Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Brilliance Project

Over the past few months one topic keeps resurfacing in numerous conversations with friends, family and acquaintances - what is my life's purpose? I know it is a question that we each face at one point or another. Heck, I believe that many of us may even ask this question to ourselves on a daily basis.

It is my belief that each of us comes to the planet for a specific purpose. Some call it their life's passion, their life's work or their life's calling. Whatever you choose to call it, I believe there is a divine reason for which each of us was born. And while that purpose may continually evolve, we each spend our lives in either discovery of or fulfillment of that calling. This "calling" is as unique to us as our own DNA. It is our unique stamp in time to say that we were here. It is our "brilliance." So with this as background.....

At just past 4 am EST, while settling for bed after having arrived back at the home of a good friend who was hosting me for the evening, an idea came to me: As I travel this journey to discover what I believe to be my life's calling, why not ask the question of others. So began the idea for what I call the Brilliance Project. In short, I will attempt to ask each person with whom I come into contact over the next year the following question(s)

What did you come to the planet to do? Or rather, what do you believe is your life's calling?

And if you know it, are you fulfilling it?

If not, why not?

And if you are, when and how did you discover your calling? Or are you still discovering?

Along with asking these questions of each person with whom I come into contact, I have set the goal of having these questions asked of 1 million persons over the next year. As this is an auspicious goal, I hope that many of you will aid me on this journey.

Along with those whom I have asked in person today, I ask that each of you who read this provides your responses to the above questions. Over the next year, I will chronicle the responses on my blog.

I am excited about this journey.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Amazing Journey that is MBM

So I had the great pleasure to once again join my good friend Dan Lack at his family's ranch in "nowheres-ville" Texas. And, once again, the experience was amazing. It takes a uniquely gifted soul to bring together nearly 20 high-powered and high-strung entrepreneurs for 3 days of reflection, accountability and relaxation, sans cell phones, laptops and Internet access, without causing a minor revolt. And yet, this is Dan's third time pulling off this near impossible feat.

In 3 short days, these newly-connected strangers become deeply intimate friends. And Dan creates a space of possibility for this to happen.

Each attendee is afforded the "stage" for 19 minutes in which to share about their work and personal pursuits, seeking counsel from those assembled. Along with this "public" space, much time is allotted for participants to connect via fishing, jogging, etc.

I look forward to MBM 4 and future MBM's should Dan continue to have me.